Are you struggling to find great deals on houses?
Are you excited about investing in real estate but frustrated because you really don’t know what to do next?
Are you looking to buy your own home or investment property without qualifying for a mortgage?
Do you have more month than money and want to learn more about making money investing in real estate?
If you answered yes to any of these questions this course is for you!
Terms - How Make $10,000 Per Month Taking Over Monthly Mortgage Payments
Apartment Analysis form
Land Contract
Lease Option Course (Bonus)
Wholesaling Course (Bonus)
Ultimate Resource Guide (Bonus)
Lease Option Agreement Included
Where To Find Motivated Sellers
(Original Price of $2997.00)
buy this video training today at a deep discount of $197!
With 15 years of experience in the real estate business, Gerald E. Harris breaks down all the information you need for real estate investing.
With over 50,000 subscribers on YouTube and more than 400 videos, and Over 40,000 Members in a Facebook Group, Gerald has a strong reputation for doing the hard work so you don’t have to; he makes it plain and simple for you to follow along for next steps, learn EXACTLY what you need to do, and win!